As the architecture industry continues to evolve, companies are seeking innovative ways to tap into the pool of emerging talent. Remote internships are a game-changer, offering global organizations numerous advantages when it comes to hiring and nurturing promising early talents.
Savina, the founder and principal of Citydot Studio, an architecture company based in San Francisco, shares her experience of working with a virtual intern who was an architecture student from Carleton University. This unique collaboration allowed them to exchange insights, explore different design constraints, and cultivate a deeper understanding of the industry.
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Harnessing the Power of Virtual Internships
Virtual Internships provide companies with a wealth of benefits that go beyond traditional internship programs. By engaging with talented architecture students remotely, your company can tap into diverse skill sets and fresh ideas from a global talent pool.
Savina shares her positive experience working with an architecture intern, who seamlessly contributed to their projects with 3D renderings and drafting services. This collaboration not only provided immediate support to Citydot Studio but also fostered a dynamic and inclusive work culture that thrives on the exchange of knowledge and perspectives.
Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Practice
One fascinating aspect of working with virtual interns is the opportunity to connect with the academic world. As the intern was still in school, Savina was curious to learn about the student's ongoing architecture projects. This interaction allowed her to provide valuable feedback and guidance, challenging design constraints within the project.
For Savina, it was a chance to stay informed about current academic trends and gain insights into emerging architectural approaches. Simultaneously, the intern benefited from experiencing real-world practice, understanding the practical implications of their academic knowledge.
Play Your Part in Nurturing Future Professionals and Build Your Remote Team
Virtual Internships offers a wide range of benefits for young professionals eager to explore different aspects of architecture. Traditional education often falls short in teaching the business aspects of architecture. By collaborating with a company like Citydot Studio, interns gain exposure to various architectural interests and learn firsthand about the industry's operational dynamics.
Whether they work on video projects or collaborate with larger firms, virtual interns in the architectural field develop a diverse skill set that encompasses effective communication and teamwork, essential for success.
With 87% of businesses anticipating a skills gap in the upcoming year, companies like yours should be focusing on digitizing and building a remote workforce. Building talent pipelines for the future has become imperative.
The Virtual Internships platform connects innovative businesses with ambitious interns from universities worldwide. Hire remote interns, complete real work, and build a team of remote superstars all in one platform.